Effective Treatment without Any Side Effects

The real Homeopathy consultant is one who cares for and treats the patient and not the disease. In this flourishing Homeopathy world, Dr S Chidambaranathan is an accomplished Homeopathy doctor who takes care personally of every patient with a healing human touch. Dr Chidambaranathan is a…… Read on 

Disease Is Altered State Of Body And Mind, Which May Be Due To Many Factors

“Any substance that produces specific toxic symptoms in a healthy person when given in its full strength form, will cure a sick person with those same symptoms when given in a very diluted, minute form.”

Dr. S. Chidambaranathan
BHMS., MD [Hom]


Miracles Of Homeopathy

Unique Problems Treated With Homeopathy

Homeopathy usually doesn’t believe in topical applications for curing. To root out infection, Homeopathy believes only in internal constitutional treatment which will always provide permanent cure without any recurrences and side-effects. Annoying Fungal infections of nail usually need prolonged treatment.

Before After

Faith can also cure patients i.e. faith in God, in the doctor, in the medicine, in his own body that he will not be affected by any means.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

The Biggest Ideal Of Cure Is Rapid, Gentle & Permanent Restoration Of Health


At Laxmi Homeo Clinic Your Treatment Is Very Confidential.

We could understand everyone’s anticipation in their search and expectation of cure for their sufferings. In Laxmi Homeo Clinic, all the patients’ records will be kept very confidential only. We won’t disclose it to any one – So we are not posting any testimonials here.

We are not at all interested in our promotion with others’ confidential matters. So we won’t disclose anyone records or allow you to disturb any one for your reliability or for our advertisement. Sufferer can talk to Dr to clear any doubts and get clarified with respect to success of treatment. Kindly aware often success stories and testimonials are just cooked to hook clients.

Further, we are not selling any products as such to make testimonials or success stories. We are treating patients and maintain their confidentiality all the way. Treatment varies from person to person. Also, many a times, many things cannot be logically answered, even though good result has been often realized. Regarding treatment, in medicine world, No one can provide guarantee for anything unless otherwise he might be a god or a cheat. So patient should come forward to treatment with hope, faith, and confidence with experience of the doctor and his medicines for their betterment.

Finally, we promise you all again that, your treatment will also be very confidential in Laxmi Homeo Clinic and we will try our level best to take care of YOU to bring back your GOOD HEALTH.

Get well soon wishes for YOU.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours


11am to 1.30pm - 6.30pm to 9pm

11am to 1.30pm - 6.30pm to 9pm
Sunday Closed

Books By Doctor

Books By Dr. Cheena

Dr. Cheena has written various books on health issues two of his books written and sold worldwide are..


Articles By Dr. Cheena

Dr. Cheena has written numerous articles on health thereby giving a fresh hope to the people in the world.
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