About Homeopathy

Homeopathy Founder: Dr. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN
Origin : Germany
Speciality: Deals more with patients than disease

Disease is an altered state of body and mind which may be due to many factors either artificial or natural. Nature tries to cure diseases and injuries by it’s own methods. Hippocrates stated this vis medicatrix naturae-the healing power of nature. However in advanced cases medicines may be needed. There are different systems of medicines:

  • Allopathy
  • Homeopathy
  • Ayurveda
  • Siddha
  • Unani
  • Naturopathy

They treat patients in different ways, take different approaches and have different principles. Each one has its own limitation and efficacy.

Homeopathic medicines are very much refined and given in minimal and minute dose so there is no noticeable adverse reaction. It treats patient as a whole i.e., mind and body. It makes you free from the disease condition and prevents recurrence also. It helps boost the immunity of the person naturally countering most diseases.

Homeopathic medicines can be used in all types of diseases at all ages, in all circumstances. By acting in a natural way, it increases immunity and also removes tendencies, allergies and thus helps mankind live in a modern polluted world. It also reduces the hereditary-familial disease sufferings by raising immunity.

TENDENCIES – When patients suffer constantly from certain disease conditions which were untreated or not properly treated, then they become tendencies like – tendency to cold; to stone formation in kidney and gall bladder; to growths like warts, lipoma; infections like sinusitis, boils, headache, pimples, etc. Here patients are repeatedly affected by the same type of complaints. These types of patients can be cured in Homeoopathy.

ALLERGIES: Some people are allergic to foods, medicines, smells, irritants, leading to:

Sneezing and cough – when exposed to dust, smells, A/C rooms, cold winds
Contact dermatitis – when wearing ornaments and watches.
Itching and rashes – when in contact with chemicals, soaps, mosquito bites.
Recurrent mouth ulcers – from juices, etc.
When we have these types of allergies, we have to eliminate the cause first to get rid of them. In some unavoidable circumstances like mosquito bites, dust, we can take Homeopathic medicines to avoid allergy. This will increase the immunity and cure or lessen the allergic reactions, thus offering comfortable modern living.

Hereditary familial disease like hypertension, diabetes, cancer, can also be treated in a successful way and maintained without their complications like flushing, palpitation, burning hands and feet, weakness, ulcers, etc.

Homeopathy works better in children. Repeated attack of cold, primary complex can be easily cured. Weak, puny children can be treated to become robust; retarded growths and babies with delayed mile stones like delay in walking, standing, speaking can be treated. Milk allergy in babies, constipation, diarrhoea, and night crying can also be rectified. Homeopathy can treat Habits like nail-biting, bed-wetting etc. Worm infestation can also be treated very successfully.

  • Cosmetic ailments like pimples, blackish or whitish discoloration, warts, fungal infections, leucoderma, hair fall, hair splits and dandruff can also be treated.
  • Psychological diseases like fears, anxiety, sleeplessness, mental irritation, anger can be rectified.
  • Female complaints like painful periods, profuse flow, uterine tumors, white discharge, breast tumors, etc., can also be treated. Male complaints like impotency, sterility and ulcers can be treated excellently with an analysis of the defects – hormonal, functional, etc.
  • Surgery can be avoided in many cases like piles, uterine masses, breast tumor, pleurisy, gall stones, kidney stones. In advanced conditions, surgery is the only way.

Homeopathy comforts modern living by ELIMINATING ALLERGIES & TENDENCIES.
SURGERIES can be avoided.

In total, Homeopathy is the finger post on the crossroads of healing which directs the SAFEST WAY to PERMANENT CURE.